Jharkhand STD code

Jharkhand Std code list

Std codes in Jharkhand

STD Code: 06522
City: Angara
STD Code: 06568
STD Code: 06426
STD Code: 06551
STD Code: 06581
STD Code: 06563
STD Code: 06525
City: Biru
STD Code: 06586
STD Code: 06438
City: Chitra
STD Code: 06422
City: Dumaria
STD Code: 06558
City: Dumri
STD Code: 06569
City: Garu
STD Code: 06522
STD Code: 06523
City: Ghaghra
STD Code: 06540
STD Code: 06550
STD Code: 06529
City: Itki
STD Code: 06588
STD Code: 06438
STD Code: 06432
City: Jasidih
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Jharkhand STD code number

The table along-side provides all the valid Jharkhand STD code numbers. It will save a lot of time and effort as you can narrow down your search by selecting the city of that state. You don’t have to surf the entire directory to find out the desired Jharkhand STD code. Usually in a directory an alphabetical arrangement of STD codes of all cities is done and to go through such a huge list is difficult. So go through Jharkhand STD code list to find out the desired STD code.

Report Jharkhand STD codes

We have taken care in presenting Jharkhand STD codes in a user friendly format. In case you find any error, feel free to report them immediately to stdcodesin.com@gmail.com.

STD Code of Jharkhand

There are many districts, talukas and villages in Jharkhand. Each region will be allotted its unique STD code no. Mostly people prefer a fixed landline number instead of mobile phones for commercial purpose. Many a times you need to make enquires of certain commercial commodities, in such a situation you may need the Jharkhand STD code number along with the phone number to make a call. When we plan to visit a new place we make all the reservations before-hand. Now a days we just surf internet to find the contact information to make these reservations but many of them do not provide the STD code along with the contact info. Here you can find all the Jharkhand STD code numbers. All the STD codes of Jharkhand are provided for your convenience in the table alongside.

How to find STD code in Jharkhand?

To find STD code in Jharkhand, use the STD code finder presented by stdcodein.com. When you select Jharkhand from the drop down box in the table alongside you will get STD code list of all the districts/talukas in the state. Further narrow down you search by selecting the desired city. This STD code locator tool will provide you with the Jharkhand STD number you are searching for. If you know the STD code and want to find out to which city and state it belongs, use our search by STD code tool.

STD code details for Jharkhand

Here are some STD code details for Jharkhand STD codes. Metro cities have shorter STD codes i.e. 2- digit numbers. Tier-2 cities in India have 3 digit STD codes. A telephone number is of 10 digits, it consist of 2 or 3 digit STD code and the phone number. When we are dialing from a landline phone in one STD code area to another area, a prefix of “0” is added to STD code. When we are dialing from a mobile phone in India to any landline then also we need to add “0” before the STD code irrespective of the area. A code of four or more digits, other than those comprising a subscriber's local telephone number determines the routing of a call. If dialing from outside India, a prefix of “+91” is required with the STD no. to connect a call.